The installation of wind turbine has grown explosively worldwide; however, problems regarding interconnectivity to grids have arisen. It has also been pointed out that wind power generation facilities are exposed to lightning damage owing to their configurations, and so protective measures different from those needed for conventional generators are necessary. This problem has recently surfaced as an important issue [1–7].Japan, especially suffers from frequent and heavy lightning strikes, an example being the notorious ‘winter lightning’ found in coastal areas of the Sea of Japan[8]. Indeed, many turbines in Japan have been hit by lightning, and winter lightning poses a specific threat due to its intense power and electric current which are much higher than the world average [7,9]. Although some of the above-mentioned reports describe these incidents and methods of protection, there appear to have been few investigations into insulation schemes, lightning protection design and transient analysis for the latest generation of apparatus. While blade protection has been relatively well discussed [7], the behavior of the wind turbine experiencing surge propagation during a lightning stroke has yet to be clarified.
There is room for more work to be done in this area. In general, lightning protection for wind power generation includes a lightning pole on a nacelle, an independent lightning pole tower and a receptor on the top end of a blade. But the lightning pole on the nacelle cannot obtain enough height owing to weight and wind pressure, and an independent lightning tower greatly increases the construction costs.
Though the third solution, the receptor on a blade, recommended in IEC61400-24 [5], appears the best solution for lightning protection, it is not a complete solution. Despite the existence of such receptors, dielectric accidents still occur on wind power turbines including blades, the generator, the transformer and lowvoltage circuits [7].
According to an IEC report [5], the most frequent accident is dielectric breakdown on low-voltage circuits including electric and telecommunication equipment. In general, electrical and electronic equipment for wind power generation are set up close to or inside a wind tower. Once lightning strikes the wind turbine, assuming that it hits a receptor of one of the blades, a lightning current surge propagates through a down-conductor in the blade, a carbon brush or arc horn near the bearings,and the grounding conductor inside a wind tower (or,in another case, the current may flow through the conductive tower itself). The low-voltage circuit in the wind turbine is easily broken by electromagnetic induction in such a situation. Considering the above, the author proposes a novel lightning protection system that has two ring-shaped electrodes. The principal concern of the proposed system is to prevent the lightning surge from affecting the wind turbine as well as the nacelle and the tower.
This paper discusses an impulse experiment utilizing the proposed system in a downsized wind tower accurately simulating an actual 2 MW wind turbine on a 1/100 scale. Attaching the proposed ring-shaped electrodes to the downsized wind turbine, the author demonstrates that the system provides effective lightning protection.
Figure 1 is a conceptual illustration of a conventional system and the proposed system of lightning protection for wind turbines. Generally, in the conventional system,the lightning current flows from one of the receptors installed on the top end of a blade to the ground via a down-conductor in the blade, brush or arc-horn near the bearing, and a grounding-wire (or sometimes the body of the tower itself).
The surge current flow inside the tower may create a large inductive current in low-voltage circuits such as control, measurement and communication devices. Thus, the conventional grounding system is potentially weak for the protection of low-voltage circuits inside the wind turbine. By contrast, the proposed system has two ring-shaped electrodes of several meters diameter, one of which is vertically attached to the nose cone and the other laterally placed on top of the wind tower lying just below the nacelle.
The pair of rings is arranged with a narrow gap of no more than 1 m to avoid mechanical friction during rotation of the blades and the nacelle’s circling. When lightning (here, suppose the current is positive)strikes a blade, the lightning current reaches the upper ring from a receptor through a conductive wire installed on the blade.
Then, the electric field between the two rings becomes high and finally sparks over and the lightning current flows downwards. The current propagates along the lower ring and grounding wire,which is arranged outside the wind tower rather than inside, and is safely led to a grounding electrode sited far enough away from the grounding for the tower.
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed lightning protection system, the author conducted a trial test using a 1/100 downsized model that on a 1/100 scale accurately simulated an actual 2 MWwind turbine with a hub height of 60 m and a blade radius of 39 m (therefore, the hub height of the model is 60 cm and the blade radius 39 cm, as shown in Figs 2 and 3). The blades of the model are made from nonflammable ABS resin and the nacelle and tower from PC iron.
The ring-shaped electrodes of the model are of 4 mm φ copper wires, and the diameter of the upper and lower electrodes are 5.4 and 7.7 cm, respectively. On the surface of the blades, 2 mm φenamel wires are strained to simulate receptors and down conductors. Also, as the outer down conductor, 2 mm φenamel wires drop down from the backside of the lower ring to the ground plate which is 20 cm distant from the base of the wind tower. The gap between two rings, g,and the distance between the upper ring and the nacelle,d, are design variables in the model. A detailed structure is shown in Fig. 4 in a CAD drawing and a photo of a prototype. Simulated lightning impulses with a wavefront of 1.3 μs, wavetail 49 μs, altitude 664 kV were generated using a 800 kV and 5 kJ impulse generator, as shown as Fig. 5.
Figure 6 presents an example of the results of an impulse test using the 1/100 downsized wind turbine model with the proposed ring-shaped electrodes. As shown in the figure, spark-over successfully occurred between the two electrodes, showing that the lightning current was safely led to a grounding electrode through the outer down conductor.In another case shown in Fig. 7, the lightning struck backward of the wind turbine.
Thus, the result of the impulse test demonstrated that the proposed two ring-shaped electrode system is effective for lightning protection for electrical and electronic devices in a wind turbine.On the other hand, the result shown in Fig. 8 is an example of an unsuccessful case. In this case, where the gap between two rings, g, is less than the distance between the upper ring and the nacelle d, spark-over often tends to occur between the upper ring and the nacelle and the lightning current unexpectedly rushes to the inside or surface of the nacelle and the tower.
This may cause the breakdown or burnout of low-voltage and control circuits installed in a wind turbine. Moreover,Fig. 9 shows another type of an unsuccessful result,where the lightning directly struck backward of the nacelle in spite of the receptor on the blade.The graphs shown in Fig. 10 summarize the aboveresults. Graphs of positive and negative lightning currents clarify that the gap for the two rings should be designed to be lower than the distance between the upper ring and the nacelle.
Although the result shows that a lower gap may make for a safer operation, the best solution needs to be considered from standpoints including the method of fixation, the weight of materials, installation costs and the effect of flexural oscillation of the rings during rotation of the blades.
In this paper the author has proposed a novel method that utilizes two ring-shaped electrodes for lightning protection of wind turbines. The most important and innovative point of the proposed system is a pair of ringshaped electrodes arranged with a narrow gap, where the air discharges to flow the surge current when a lightning strikes the wind turbine.1/100 downsized model of a wind turbine with ring electrodes was manufactured. The results of impulse experiments clearly showed that the proposed model can operate safely.
Especially, when the gap between the two rings is larger than the distance between the upper ring and the nacelle, it is clear that a spark-over certainly occurs and the lightning protection system functions satisfactorily.The author is also investigating FDTD electromagnetic calculations for the present model [10,11].It was confirmed that the results of the calculations also agree well with the experimental results.
problems remain for the proposed method. For example, the method of fixation and installation costs need resolving from a civil engineering viewpoint. Also, any adverse impact on power generation capacity should be discussed from the viewpoint of fluid dynamics. However, in respect of lightning protection, i.e. utilized capacity and generating cost, the proposed system can be expected to maintain the reliability and safety of operations for wind power generation.
The author thanks Dr. Matsubara Ichiro, former lecturer of Osaka University, for his help in the operation of impulse testing and for a fruitful discussion on the methodology of lightning protection. The author also thanks Mr. Yoshioka Takuma, Mr. Fujii Toshiaki and Mr. Yamashita Shogo, graduate and undergraduate students of Kansai University, for their help in the impulse tests.